Identifikasi Slow mySQL Queries

Hari ini aku membaca email dari tentang adanya slow mysqlqueries. Slow queries tersebut disebabkan penggunaan punbb, yakni pada code:Tulisan ini telah dipindahkan ke Tips Ghobro  :

insert into punbb_search_matches (post_id, word_id, subject_match) select 4384, id, 0 from punbb_sea ....

Bagaimana hosting bisa tahu adanya query-query bertipe slow queries tersebut dengan username yang banyak dan aneka ragam query?

Rupanya ada cara-cara tertentu seperti yang diungkapkan sebagai berikut:

\Login to your server as root

  1. Open my.cnf with your favorite editor. Example: 
    • pico /etc/my.cnf
  2. Into the [mysqld] section add the fallowing lines 
    • log-slow-queries = /var/log/mysql-slow.log
    • long_query_time = 3
    • This is just an example. You can use any file name that you want and you can modify the long_query_time to any value. In this example I will be logging to /var/log/mysql-slow.log any queries that are taking longer then 3 seconds.
  3. Go ahead and save the configuration. 
    • For pico: CTRL+X and YES

  4. Now we have to actually create the log file. 
    • touch /var/log/mysql-slow.log
  5. Now we are changing the owner of the file so that mysql and actually write to it. 
    • chown mysql.root /var/log/mysql-slow.log
  6. Now we restart mysql 
    • service mysql restart
    • It should restart successfully. If it doesn't check that you didnot brake my.cnf

  7. Wait a few minutes and then examine the slow queries log
